Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Submission #2 - Reflection [Interpersonal Communication Problem]

This incident happened roughly a month ago, when I decided to buy my family lunch through "food panda". After placing the order for three subway meals, and settling the payment online, all there was left to do was to wait for the food.

Half an hour later when the food arrived, I found out that there were missing items in my order. Hence, I told the delivery guy about the missing items, however the rider mentioned that any missing items had to go through the call centre, and not the rider themselves.

Feeling ridiculous about that statement, I went ahead with calling the helpline given to feedback about the incomplete order. What came next was unexpected, I was told that they would not be re-delivering the missing items to me, and instead they would just provide me with meal vouchers for my next call-for-delivery as a form of service recovery.

As the saying goes, "A hungry man, is an angry man". I got furious about them not initiating to re-deliver the missing items which I have already paid for, and to receive vouchers for the next call-for-delivery instead just felt stupid. I raised my voice at the guy on the line, "all I want is my food right now, I am hungry! I do not care for your meal vouchers, I just need what I ordered!"

What should I have done? Should I have accepted their apology and make do with the voucher? Or should I remain aggressive till I get my food?


  1. This is a detailed description of the problem scenario, JiaLe. My only reservation is that you seem to have solved the situation essentially yourself. Your question is basically a yes/no question, not one about which technique or strategy would be most appropriate.

    1. Thank you Brad for the comment, I have made some amendments to the post. Hopefully it fulfills the requirement.
