Friday, March 10, 2017

Additional Post #1 - Building My Personal Brand [Late]

I am not one to judge, or praise myself. I'd rather let my actions do the talking. Many a times, how others perceive me ultimately depends on how I project myself across. My personal branding is affected by a wide array of factors and I identify non-verbal communication as one of the key factors. Even without speaking, there is a possibility that observers could have already formed an impression of me.

It is widely known and accepted that non-verbal communication greatly impacts the communication process among individuals. While the intended message is meant to be communicated verbally through words, non-verbal cues could either emphasise or dilute the quality of the message. If the body language portrayed by the individual who is attempting to convey a message is incongruent with the message, it could potentially affect the credibility of the message.

I have been exposed to public speaking on many occasions, with different audiences. There were times when I felt unsure to what I was supposed to do as I was not used to it. As embarrassing as it was, it made me aware of just how I much I had to improve, in terms of my communication skills. At this juncture, I continuously strive to limit my fidgeting and focus my gestures into more meaningful ones that would aid my presentation.

Meanwhile, my pro-activeness could sometimes translate into exaggerated and over-the-top gestures that could be the subject of scrutiny. I have been told that as I get too excited during speeches, I tend to clap subconsciously. As I learnt more about communication, I come across tips that could help me improve, such as how to be more convincing and how small and appropriate touches helps in persuading others.

As I progress in the hospitality industry, I have to make conscious efforts to improve on my non-verbal communication as I keep in mind the huge impact it has in interpersonal interactions. Fortunately for me, I will never run out of things to learn and the hospitality industry offers me constant opportunities to practice.

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